Thursday, February 4, 2010

My Conversion Story....

My kids are always wanting me to update my blog but I have this major block as to what to write on it. As I was laying in bed this morning thinking about it the thought came to me to share this story. Many of you have already heard it, so I hope it doesn't bore you, but here goes...While Dale was on his mission he wrote me a letter saying that he had never heard my conversion story. How I had decided to become a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. It kind of suprised me but decided that i needed to sit down and tell it to him. It's not great are exciting, just a story of a couple of teenage kids trying to do what was right in their lives. I am so greatful for the day your dad came into my life. My hopes and prayers are that one day your prince are princess will come along and you will know in your heart that this is the right person to build your kingdom with...

Once upon a time...A long, long time ago your mother was Baptist. She was a good Baptist. She knew, even as a young lady that she needed Heavenly Father in her life. But being a teenager she also knew that she liked boys. Well, one day this prince came into her life. It wasn't the best of days since she ended up on the floor because this prince had pulled a chair out from underneath her, but it was a beginning. And so, this is where the story begins. Your teenage mother and then your teanage father began to date. They dated for many years. They went to eat Pizza at a place called Pizza Hut, they went to see movies like Jaws. They even went to a place called a Drive in Movie a few times. Dating was very exciting back then. The Prince loved Country and Western music and your mom liked everything else, so the battle was on as to which radio station we would listen to on these exciting dates. As your mother fell more and more in love with this Prince she wanted to spend more and more time with him. He had invited her to attend church with him on Sunday. He told her it was a church of Goodness and Love. He told her there was no other. Even though she had never heard of this religion before, she decided it was worth trying just to spend more time with this handsome Prince. As your mom and this prince dated over the years she often went with him to this foreign religion. They would say a prayer over the bread and water and she wasn't sure that she understood all of this but she new that she liked how she felt while she was there. Once, as the bread was being passed around your mother dropped the whole tray of bread. The people in this strange place still talked to her and welcomed her there each time she was there. Her baptist preacher was really worried about your mom, Aunt's, Uncle's ....They all tried to tell here what a terrible place this was, but your mother being of very strong will knew she liked what was going on in her life. She knew this strange religion was what made this Prince the person that he was. Never had a Prince been around your mom before and she knew that she would never find another as good and great as this Prince. Many missionaries had talked to your mom about this strange religion but in reality she was still just a teenager and it really didn't click just how important this religion was. After your mom and her Prince dated for abou 5 years the Prince finally went down on his knees and asked her to be his wife. So in the spring of 1982 they were united by the Bishop of this great church. She continued to go faithfully every Sunday with her prince to church. Then came this Elderly couple named the Wixoms and your mom grew close to them. They taught her the discussions and she listen. She prayed, read the scriptures just like they asked her to do. When they asked her would she commit to baptism she agreed. She knew that this was the wish of her Prince and that was what she wanted most, to make her Prince happy. So your mother was Baptized into The church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. A year later The Prince wanted to take your mom to Utah to be Sealed to him forever in the Provo Temple. Once again she knew that was what her Prince wanted and nothing would make her happier than to please her Prince. But on that day as scary as it was for her, and still not sure of everthing, your mother became a Princess. She felt the spirit so strong in this wonderful place. She new without a doubt that this Prince was hers forever and that now they could start building their kingdom in a most righteous way. And so the story goes, The Prince and his Princess had 3 wonderful children. The life that they have lived together has all been because of the strength and testimony of this one single prince and the testimony in my Heart is because of this. It has grown stronger each day that I live. It didn't happen over night, I wasn't sure that my conversion was real. I did know that my Prince was real and that this fairy tale would have the perfect ending if I did what was in my heart because I knew that my Heavenly Father loved me very much and would not lead me astray. I can't hardly tell this story without my heart busting because of the Love I feel. I know without a doubt that I am in the right place and that Joseph Smith was a true Prophet of God and that we have a prophet that stands at the head of our church today. Heavenly Father loves this family just as much as he loved any family back in the days of Noah, Moses, are Abraham. He would not put us here on this earth without help. And we have that help and guidance thru our Prophet today and everday. So, with the help of our Savior and King, this Prince and Princess and their kingdom will be together forever.


♥ Wagley ♥ said...

I like... good update mom!

Unknown said...


QT Kiddo said...

I enjoyed reading your story Tanya :) Its always interesting to hear conversion stories when your not a convert ya know?